Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Independence Day Spirit

I am a HUGE fan of photography and I came aross these photos that hit my patriotic heart. :) When I was a kid my parents threw these humungous 4th of July parties in the front yard. We'd spend all day in the pool, we'd BBQ, and then we'd head out front for the fireworks. All the neighborhood families and friends would come and camp out with blankets and lawn chairs, and everyone had to bring a dessert item and fireworks to contribute to the pile. We would be out there for hours! Now, whenever I think of 4th of July, I think of those nights full of juicy watermellons dripping down our chins, warm gooey brownies, little waving flags, kids running around with sparklers, laughter, and loud crackling fireworks. I love this holiday because it reminds me of a part of my childhood and it makes me feel like a kid again, but more importantly, it makes me feel proud everytime I see a waving flag or see a firework stand. Happy Birthday America! (now think of the song "I Am Proud To Be An American)... Have a safe and Happy Holiday weekend!


unange14 said...

I always think of the parties at Scott and Jan's house. We are trying to carry on the tradition. I was looking through the photos of last year and how much fun we had. We miss you guys.

CJMsquared+6 said...

I love the Fourth of July too! I love that first pic you posted!