Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Some of you will remember last year that I was traumatized as the dentist put Emma under and did major dental work while I was 8 months pregnant!  I cried in the waiting room, and when she woke up, her smile was toothless.  I am happy to report that this time around it wasn't a traumatic experience. At least not for me!

Emma has watched and wiggled her lower bottom tooth for weeks now. It was to the point it was just barely hanging on.  Phil and I pleaded with her to let us pull it.  She refused, and at one point was in tears, so we dropped it.  Then one evening I made chocolate covered strawberries, one of Emma's favorite desserts.  I had no idea the event it was about to set in motion!

So there we were enjoying our treat, Emma was on her 3rd strawberry, when all of a sudden her face got this very surprised look.  She bolted out of the room saying, "I have to look at something!" Phil and I had a sneaking suspicion that maybe it fell out while she was eating, but the next thing we know she comes squealing out of the bathroom, crying, "I'm bleeding!  I'm bleeding!" Small side not...Emma is afraid of blood.  If she sees it she freaks out!  Yes, she is her mother's daughter!  haha.

Getting back to Emma...I take her back in the bathroom knowing that the strawberry probably pretty much pulled it out.  So I tell her to rinse her mouth and to bring me a little tissue so I can take a look.  Sure enough, it had lifted the tooth almost out, but it was hanging on by a thread.  So I tell her I am going to just clean it up as I stick the tissue in my fingers around the tooth.  Yank!  I pulled before she could blink and again the look of surprise and she asked," Did you just pull my tooth?"  I said, " What do you think?"  And the look of relief and excitement replaced all of her fear.  If only I could have caught it all on film, we could win AFV! 

 Emma paraded the tooth in hand and her now bigger toothless grin! We got out the tooth pillow for the tooth fairy and left it hanging on the bed.  When the sun came up Emma was happy to report that the tooth fairy indeed had visited and left her a dollar!

Oh Emma, you silly girl! Now, 17 more teeth to go!  

1 comment:

The Fleming Family said...

I was SO that way about losing teeth too!!! I wish we could have seen her face. I can picture it. :-)